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Community Progress publishes reports, case studies, and toolkits to help communities across the country turn vacant spaces into vibrant places. Download hundreds of free resources today, and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest publications directly in your inbox.



State/National Analysis
From State Capitols to City Halls
Smarter State Policies for Stronger Cities

Cities are often held hostage by state policy—but they don’t need to be. This report by Alan Mallach explains the push and pull between city and state governments, and lays the foundation for a more constructive future.

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Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
Progress Points: Neighborhood Markets and Data
A Brief Primer

This brief explains why understanding local real estate markets and how they affect the community is essential to addressing vacant properties.

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Property Tax System
Progress Points: Delinquent Property Tax Enforcement
A Brief Primer

This brief explains how equitable, efficient, and effective property tax enforcement can be powerful tool in interrupting the cycle of neighborhood decline.

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State/National Analysis
Progress Points: Systemic Vacancy
A Brief Primer

What is systemic vacancy and how is it different from just a couple of vacant properties? This onepager provides a brief explainer.

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Creative Placemaking
Progress Points: Creative Placemaking
A Brief Primer

Download a brief explainer of creative placemaking, what it is, and why it’s important for communities.

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Land Banks
Progress Points: Demonstrating the Positive Impacts of Land Banks
A Brief Primer

Download a one-page explainer on how land banks provide positive impact on the communities they serve.

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Land Banks
Progress Points: Land Banks and Community Land Trusts
A Brief Primer

Download a one-page explainer on what land banks and community land trusts are, the differences, and how they can provide lasting housing affordability.

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Land Banks
Progress Points: Land Banks
A Brief Primer

Download a one-page explainer on what land banks are, and why they’re important.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Progress Points: Vacant Land Stewardship
A Brief Primer

Download a one-page explainer on what vacant land stewardship is, and why it’s important.

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Land Banks, State/National Analysis
Land Banks and Community Land Trusts
Partnering to Provide Equitable Housing Opportunities Now and for Future Generations

In this report, you’ll learn about the key differences between land banks and community land trusts, and how together they have the potential to help reverse the trajectory of disinvestment to unlock a pipeline of vacant and deteriorated homes to quality, affordable housing for generations.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
How to Form a Land Bank
A 10-Step Guide

A ten-step guide to forming a land bank in your community.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
Land Banks & Brownfields
A Brief Primer

Land banks are uniquely positioned to tackle contaminated and potentially contaminated vacant properties. Learn more.

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Code Enforcement System, Property Tax System, Racial Equity
Progress Points: Heirs’ Property
How Tangled Title Can Lead to Property Vacancy, Abandonment, and Deterioration

This factsheet explains why it’s important to deal with heirs’ property in order to prevent future vacancy and abandonment.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis
Preliminary Assessment of Vacant Properties in Lockport, NY
Strategies for Coordinating with the Niagara Orleans Regional Land Improvement Corporation

Recommendations for the City of Lockport to better address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Investing in the Vitality of Detroit’s Neighborhoods Through Improved Rental Regulation
A Report for the City of Detroit

Recommendations for changes to Detroit’s Rental Ordinance to help more renter households access safe, healthy housing.

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Code Enforcement System
Progress Points: Strategic Code Compliance
A Brief Primer

This brief explains how equitable, efficient, and effective code enforcement can be successful in preventing vacancy.

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Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
Understanding and Addressing Non-Structural Blight and Vacant Land in Flint, MI
A Memo to the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group

Outcomes of the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group and next steps Flint can take in stewarding its inventory of vacant land.

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Code Enforcement System
Reevaluating Code Enforcement
A New Approach to Addressing Problem Properties

Traditional code enforcement—focused on issuing citations and fines—isn’t working in the places that need it most. A more strategic approach could change that.

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Local Analysis
State of Vacant Properties in Rural Georgia
A Policy Brief

When it comes to vacant, abandoned,
and deteriorated properties, rural communities face specific barriers.

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Creative Placemaking, Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
The Resident’s Workbook
for Dealing with Vacant Buildings and Lots

A workbook and guide and workbook for residents who want to help address problem properties in their neighborhoods.

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