Support RVP
January 9, 2024
Support RVP

St. Louis, Missouri October 9-11, 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibitor Opportunities Since 2007, the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference (RVP) has been an essential event for leaders advancing community…

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Over Forty National, Local, and Land Bank Stakeholders Join Community Progress in Asking Bank Regulators to Strengthen the CRA
August 30, 2022
Over Forty National, Local, and Land Bank Stakeholders Join Community Progress in Asking Bank Regulators to Strengthen the CRA

On August 5th, 2022, Community Progress and forty-three supporting organizations across the country submitted a public comment calling for the modernized Community Reinvestment Act to center racial…

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Land Banks & Community Land Trusts: Not Synonyms or Antonyms. Complements
November 22, 2016
Land Banks & Community Land Trusts: Not Synonyms or Antonyms. Complements

By: Emily Thaden, Kim Graziani, Annie Stup This blog post also appeared on the Shelterforce blog, “For land banks to get into the affordable housing business,…

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Learning from Baltimore’s Vacants to Value: Part I
April 11, 2017
Learning from Baltimore’s Vacants to Value: Part I

In 2010, the City of Baltimore kicked off an ambitious effort to address its vacant property challenges, an effort it called Vacants to Value (V2V). After five…

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Detroit’s Tax Foreclosure Problems Need Long-Term Solutions
March 1, 2022
Detroit’s Tax Foreclosure Problems Need Long-Term Solutions

This is an excerpt of Chapter 3 of Tackling Vacancy and Abandonment: Strategies and Impacts After the Great Recession, jointly produced by the Center for Community Progress,…

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Local Leaders Need to Know: $360 Billion in State and Local Relief Is Coming to Every American Community
March 12, 2021
Local Leaders Need to Know: $360 Billion in State and Local Relief Is Coming to Every American Community

Almost exactly one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, a massive relief plan has passed both chambers of Congress and been signed into law by President Biden. The…

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Keith Boykin and Alan Mallach to Lead Discussion on new Black Middle Neighborhood Data, Challenges, and Opportunities
March 11, 2021
Keith Boykin and Alan Mallach to Lead Discussion on new Black Middle Neighborhood Data, Challenges, and Opportunities

Black urban middle neighborhoods are facing an existential crisis. In city after city, the middle neighborhoods that face the greatest challenges and have seen the sharpest declines are…

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November 13, 2023
Examples of Code Enforcement Reform

Quis est lautatur sa parum is dolorae prore, nobis as comnihitate peritatem vent adis quid quas aceresed que si doluptati ut molupicipid magnat anis incture verchilia quaecus…

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November 14, 2023
Working with Lenders

Voluptio riatem reped etus magnatquam velent odipis comnimo luptae veniaer ferfero dolore liquia voluptate rempore, omnis modis dollabo. Ulparum raeperibus quid magniatur. Agnis ex exerrum volenti occus…

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November 14, 2023
Code Enforcement on Rental Properties

Quis est lautatur sa parum is dolorae prore, nobis as comnihitate peritatem vent adis quid quas aceresed que si doluptati ut molupicipid magnat anis incture verchilia quaecus…

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