Karen Freeman-Wilson
March 12, 2024
Karen Freeman-Wilson

Karen Freeman-Wilson is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Community Progress. Freeman-Wilson began serving as President and CEO of the Chicago Urban…

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November 14, 2023
Elements of a Rental Property Strategy

Voluptio riatem reped etus magnatquam velent odipis comnimo luptae veniaer ferfero dolore liquia voluptate rempore, omnis modis dollabo. Ulparum raeperibus quid magniatur. Agnis ex exerrum volenti occus…

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Our new Technical Assistance Scholarship Program RFA (applications due 3/24!)
February 12, 2014
Our new Technical Assistance Scholarship Program RFA (applications due 3/24!)

For years, through our technical assistance services, we’ve had the privilege of working with communities around the country to reclaim their neighborhoods from blight, vacancy, and abandonment….

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Do Urban Neighborhoods Need Homeowners?
December 9, 2014
Do Urban Neighborhoods Need Homeowners?

Originally posted on the National Housing Institute’s Rooflines blog At a conference I attended last week, one of the speakers, a colleague whose judgment and knowledge I…

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After the last bell rings, cities explore options for vacant school buildings
March 2, 2015
After the last bell rings, cities explore options for vacant school buildings

Urban school districts are seeing schools close due to population declines, the buildings’ age, and other factors. The trend is particularly pronounced in cities that have faced…

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Where the brave dare not go
November 2, 2016
Where the brave dare not go

Few topics will kill a conversation faster than inviting a discussion of property taxes. At the same time, however, the efficiency and effectiveness of our local governments…

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From Randyland to grand new plans: Albany and Flint residents learn from Pittsburgh successes
September 5, 2017
From Randyland to grand new plans: Albany and Flint residents learn from Pittsburgh successes

What can dinosaurs teach us about vacant land? Probably not very much. Dinosaurs are long extinct. Even plastic dino-toys – though ironic – have very little to…

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Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst
June 1, 2020
Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst

This short guide helps local officials and community stakeholders start thinking about how to address the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – July 12, 2019
July 12, 2019
Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – July 12, 2019

This is our twice-monthly round-up of news stories covering challenges related to vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties — and how communities are transforming these properties into assets….

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February 3, 2021
VAD Academy

The Center for Community Progress’ VAD Academy is a virtual bootcamp designed for public, private, nonprofit, and community leaders confronting challenges related to vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated…

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