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Community Progress publishes reports, case studies, and toolkits to help communities across the country turn vacant spaces into vibrant places. Download hundreds of free resources today, and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest publications directly in your inbox.



Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, Racial Equity, State/National Analysis
Making the Comeback
Reversing the Downward Trajectory of African American Middle Neighborhoods in Legacy Cities 

Black urban middle neighborhoods are facing an existential crisis. This report shares key highlights from Alan Mallach’s research from predominately Black neighborhoods in six legacy cities and offers strategies for Black middle neighborhood revival.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Vacant Land Keys to Success
Lessons from the Field on Vacant Lot Greening

Keys to Success: Lessons from the Field, reports on findings from a six-year research project exploring greening as a method to reduce youth violence and injury. It identifies practices that help greening organizations meet the rising demand for vacant lot care across the country.

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State/National Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
America’s Vacant Lot Landscape
Insights from the National Survey on Greening

This report presents descriptive findings from the National Survey on Greening — conducted as part of a five-year research project between the Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center and the Center for Community Progress — on the current capacity, practices, and trends these organizations are experiencing and what they still need to effectively manage their growing vacant lot inventories.

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Forward Toledo
Local Analysis
Forward Toledo
An Exploratory Assessment to Inform Future Comprehensive Planning

The Toledo Exploratory Assessment presents an objective and evidenced-based analysis of Toledo’s potential, providing residents, businesses and community stakeholders the tools to boldly and confidently chart a course forward.

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Code Enforcement System, State/National Analysis
Revitalization in Michigan
A Guide to Transforming VAD Properties through Code Enforcement

Revitalization in Michigan: A Guide to Transforming VAD Properties through Code Enforcement breaks down leading code enforcement tools that help fight vacancy through traditional enforcement, proactive regulation, and additional strategies.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis, Property Tax System
Preliminary Assessment of Vacancy and Abandonment Challenges in Utica, NY
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

The City of Utica, New York engaged the Center for Community Progress to carry out a preliminary assessment of the City’s policies, programs, tools, and operations in place to address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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State/National Analysis
State of Vacancy in Michigan (2020)
General Trends in Residential Vacancy and Distressed Properties

The State of Vacancy in Michigan 2020 Update shares the general trends in residential vacancy and distressed properties across Michigan’s counties and 25 cities experiencing the highest rates of residential vacancy.

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Islandview Greater Villages Framework
Local Analysis
Islandview Greater Villages
Neighborhood Framework Plan

Neighborhood Framework for the Islandview Greater Villages (IVGV) seeks to 1) communicate current and near-term implementation initiatives and 2) outline long-term recommendations and guiding principles that can spur neighborhood growth over time.

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Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst
Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods

This short guide helps local officials and community stakeholders start thinking about how to address the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
An Assessment of Market Conditions and Trends in the City of Hartford, Connecticut
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This report describes neighborhood market conditions and trends in Hartford, to enable the city and other stakeholders to use this information as a critical tool to inform and develop equitable, efficient, and effective strategies to address disinvestment and decline in neighborhoods and build stronger housing markets throughout the city.

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Creative Placemaking
How Local Governments Can Facilitate Creative Placemaking on Vacant Property
Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Creative placemaking is the practice of enhancing a neighborhood’s quality of life through arts, culture, and intentional community development to meet the vision of the people who live, work, and play there. This practice takes various forms, including but not limited to temporary visual art installations, performance events, and permanent…

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Land Banks
Sample Land Bank Long-Term Housing Affordability Disposition Policy
A Resource for Land Banks and Their Community Land Trust Partners

A resource for land banks and their community land trust partners outlining a framework for disposition policies that incentivize long-term affordable housing.

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Brownfield Remediation & Reuse
A Brief Primer

Brownfield properties, often referred to as “brownfields,” are properties where the presence or potential presence of a hazardous chemical or pollutant makes it challenging, risky, and costly to redevelop. While many people think of brownfields as large, abandoned factories or chemical processing plants, the true scope of brownfield properties is…

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Land Banks
Land Banks in New Jersey
A Tool for Addressing Problem Properties to Serve Community Goals

Across the country, over 300 land banks are mitigating the harms of vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated (VAD) properties on neighbors and neighborhoods, and advancing equitable, inclusive, and resilient communities. Land banks have profound positive impact in the communities they serve including stabilizing neighborhoods and property values of neighboring homes, addressing…

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Brownfields, Land Banks
How to Form a Land Bank
A 10-Step Guide

A ten-step guide to forming a land bank in your community.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
Land Banks & Brownfields
A Brief Primer

Land banks are uniquely positioned to tackle contaminated and potentially contaminated vacant properties. Learn more.

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Code Enforcement System, Property Tax System, Racial Equity
Progress Points: Heirs’ Property
How Tangled Title Can Lead to Property Vacancy, Abandonment, and Deterioration

This factsheet explains why it’s important to deal with heirs’ property in order to prevent future vacancy and abandonment.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis
Preliminary Assessment of Vacant Properties in Lockport, NY
Strategies for Coordinating with the Niagara Orleans Regional Land Improvement Corporation

Recommendations for the City of Lockport to better address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Investing in the Vitality of Detroit’s Neighborhoods Through Improved Rental Regulation
A Report for the City of Detroit

Recommendations for changes to Detroit’s Rental Ordinance to help more renter households access safe, healthy housing.

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Code Enforcement System
Progress Points: Strategic Code Compliance
A Brief Primer

This brief explains how equitable, efficient, and effective code enforcement can be successful in preventing vacancy.

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