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Community Progress publishes reports, case studies, and toolkits to help communities across the country turn vacant spaces into vibrant places. Download hundreds of free resources today, and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest publications directly in your inbox.



State/National Analysis
State Policy and Problem Property Regulation
A Resource for Practitioners and Policymakers at the State and Local Level

This report is a property regulation resource for practitioners and policymakers at the state and local levels. It focuses on the central theme that state laws and regulations largely determine what local governments can or cannot do to regulate problem properties and is designed to be useful to people working to frame more effective strategies to deal with problem properties and work with state governments and legislatures to enact new laws and amend older ones to that end.

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ARPA, Code Enforcement System, COVID-19, Land Banks, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, Property Tax System, State/National Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
Tackling Vacancy and Abandonment
Strategies and Impacts after the Great Recession

Ten years on from the Great Recession, we take stock of lessons learned from that crisis and how they might be applied to future challenges. This edited volume, jointly produced by Community Progress and the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Cleveland, contains twelve articles by national experts in the field of neighborhood revitalization.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis
Spokane, Washington
Preliminary Analysis of Land Banking and other tools to Address Vacant and Abandoned Properties and Create a Pipeline for Affordable Housing

Community Progress produced this report following a technical assistance engagement with Spokane, Washington to explore whether a land bank is the right tool to turn vacant property inventory into affordable housing.

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Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, State/National Analysis
Pathway to Partnerships
A Guide for Realtors

 A resource guide for realtors collecting lessons learned from the Transforming Neighborhoods program that highlights the successful ways REALTORS® and local governments have partnered to enact inclusive and equitable neighborhood development.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
A More Strategic Equitable Approach to Housing and Building Code Enforcement in Toledo, Ohio
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

Community Progress produced this report following a technical assistance engagement with Toledo, Ohio to assess the City’s approach to code enforcement.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
BAM: In Partnership, In Action
A Flexible Action Plan for the Next Three Years

Community Progress provided technical support in the development of this action plan for the Blight Authority of Memphis, to help BAM play a meaningful role in the local fight against vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, Property Tax System
An Assessment of Land Banking and other Tools to Transform VAD Properties into Affordable Housing in Prince George’s County, Maryland
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

Community Progress produced this report following a technical assistance engagement with Prince George’s County, Maryland to explore whether a land bank could be leveraged to support local affordable housing goals.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Turning the Tide
Opportunities for the City of Bay City, Michigan to Improve Residential Property Conditions and Quality of Life

Community Progress worked with Bay City, Michigan to assess its practices and policies for addressing VAD residential properties and identify economic stability risks due to the pandemic.

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COVID-19, Creative Placemaking, State/National Analysis
The Saving Power of Community Creativity
Highlights of Arts, Culture, and Creative Placemaking Responses to COVID-19

Arts and culture organizations play a critical role in supporting communities, particularly in times of crisis. This publication recognizes the people and groups using creative placemaking to revitalize their communities.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Building on Success
Opportunities to Enhance Home Preservation Efforts and Commercial Vacancy Strategies in Lansing, Michigan

Community Progress worked with the City of Lansing, Michigan to assess its practices for addressing vacant property and identify economic stability risks as a result of the global pandemic.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
How to Form a Land Bank
A 10-Step Guide

A ten-step guide to forming a land bank in your community.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
Land Banks & Brownfields
A Brief Primer

Land banks are uniquely positioned to tackle contaminated and potentially contaminated vacant properties. Learn more.

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Code Enforcement System, Property Tax System, Racial Equity
Progress Points: Heirs’ Property
How Tangled Title Can Lead to Property Vacancy, Abandonment, and Deterioration

This factsheet explains why it’s important to deal with heirs’ property in order to prevent future vacancy and abandonment.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis
Preliminary Assessment of Vacant Properties in Lockport, NY
Strategies for Coordinating with the Niagara Orleans Regional Land Improvement Corporation

Recommendations for the City of Lockport to better address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Investing in the Vitality of Detroit’s Neighborhoods Through Improved Rental Regulation
A Report for the City of Detroit

Recommendations for changes to Detroit’s Rental Ordinance to help more renter households access safe, healthy housing.

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Code Enforcement System
Progress Points: Strategic Code Compliance
A Brief Primer

This brief explains how equitable, efficient, and effective code enforcement can be successful in preventing vacancy.

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Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
Understanding and Addressing Non-Structural Blight and Vacant Land in Flint, MI
A Memo to the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group

Outcomes of the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group and next steps Flint can take in stewarding its inventory of vacant land.

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Code Enforcement System
Reevaluating Code Enforcement
A New Approach to Addressing Problem Properties

Traditional code enforcement—focused on issuing citations and fines—isn’t working in the places that need it most. A more strategic approach could change that.

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Local Analysis
State of Vacant Properties in Rural Georgia
A Policy Brief

When it comes to vacant, abandoned,
and deteriorated properties, rural communities face specific barriers.

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Creative Placemaking, Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
The Resident’s Workbook
for Dealing with Vacant Buildings and Lots

A workbook and guide and workbook for residents who want to help address problem properties in their neighborhoods.

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