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Community Progress publishes reports, case studies, and toolkits to help communities across the country turn vacant spaces into vibrant places. Download hundreds of free resources today, and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest publications directly in your inbox.



Vacant Land Stewardship
Vacant Land Keys to Success: Planning
Insights from the National Survey on Greening

In this brief from Keys to Success, we tackle inclusive planning and project scope, and why a long-term vision for vacant lot maintenance and greening is a must for all organizations involved.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Vacant Land Keys to Success: Sustainable Funding
Insights from the National Survey on Greening

In this brief from Keys to Success, we explain why sustainable funding is necessary to transform vacant lots into long-term assets for communities.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Vacant Land Keys to Success: Partnerships
Insights from the National Survey on Greening

In this brief from Keys to Success, you’ll find an explainer on how successful strategic partnerships contribute to vacant land stewardship.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Vacant Land Keys to Success
Lessons from the Field on Vacant Lot Greening

Keys to Success: Lessons from the Field, reports on findings from a six-year research project exploring greening as a method to reduce youth violence and injury. It identifies practices that help greening organizations meet the rising demand for vacant lot care across the country.

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State/National Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
America’s Vacant Lot Landscape
Insights from the National Survey on Greening

This report presents descriptive findings from the National Survey on Greening — conducted as part of a five-year research project between the Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center and the Center for Community Progress — on the current capacity, practices, and trends these organizations are experiencing and what they still need to effectively manage their growing vacant lot inventories.

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Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
A Review of City Policies and Processes to Enable Five Land-Based Venture Types in Detroit
Report prepared for the City of Detroit's Planning and Development Department

This report shares the findings resulting from the City of Detroit’s Planning and Development Department’s engagement of Community Progress to examine existing local codes and ordinances and identify barriers that would prevent the creation or expansion of land-based ventures.

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Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, Vacant Land Stewardship
The Reimagining Cleveland Vacant Lot Greening Program
Evaluating Economic Development and Public Safety Outcomes

This research brief analyzes the economic impacts of different greening interventions in Cleveland, Ohio and suggests opportunities for more impactful greening of vacant land in the city.

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Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, Vacant Land Stewardship
An Open Space Action Plan for the Junction Neighborhood in Toledo, Ohio
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This Action Plan shares a practical plan resulting from our technical assistance engagement with the Lucas County Land Reutilization Corporation about the Junction neighborhood in Toledo, Ohio.

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Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
Open Space in Detroit
Key Ownership and Funding Considerations to Inform a Comprehensive Open Space Planning Process

This study was commissioned by Detroit Future City Implementation Office to examine the viability of long-term open space options identified in the Detroit Future City Strategic Framework.

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Vacant Land Stewardship
Boosting Productivity
Lessons from the Green Reuse and Vacant Land Maintenance Learning Exchange

This report shares the findings from a learning exchange with Detroit and New Orleans around strategies to meet community needs and reduce public land maintenance costs through vacant land reuse.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
How to Form a Land Bank
A 10-Step Guide

A ten-step guide to forming a land bank in your community.

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Brownfields, Land Banks
Land Banks & Brownfields
A Brief Primer

Land banks are uniquely positioned to tackle contaminated and potentially contaminated vacant properties. Learn more.

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Code Enforcement System, Property Tax System, Racial Equity
Progress Points: Heirs’ Property
How Tangled Title Can Lead to Property Vacancy, Abandonment, and Deterioration

This factsheet explains why it’s important to deal with heirs’ property in order to prevent future vacancy and abandonment.

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Land Banks, Local Analysis
Preliminary Assessment of Vacant Properties in Lockport, NY
Strategies for Coordinating with the Niagara Orleans Regional Land Improvement Corporation

Recommendations for the City of Lockport to better address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis
Investing in the Vitality of Detroit’s Neighborhoods Through Improved Rental Regulation
A Report for the City of Detroit

Recommendations for changes to Detroit’s Rental Ordinance to help more renter households access safe, healthy housing.

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Code Enforcement System
Progress Points: Strategic Code Compliance
A Brief Primer

This brief explains how equitable, efficient, and effective code enforcement can be successful in preventing vacancy.

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Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
Understanding and Addressing Non-Structural Blight and Vacant Land in Flint, MI
A Memo to the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group

Outcomes of the Flint Non-Structural Blight Work Group and next steps Flint can take in stewarding its inventory of vacant land.

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Code Enforcement System
Reevaluating Code Enforcement
A New Approach to Addressing Problem Properties

Traditional code enforcement—focused on issuing citations and fines—isn’t working in the places that need it most. A more strategic approach could change that.

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Local Analysis
State of Vacant Properties in Rural Georgia
A Policy Brief

When it comes to vacant, abandoned,
and deteriorated properties, rural communities face specific barriers.

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Creative Placemaking, Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
The Resident’s Workbook
for Dealing with Vacant Buildings and Lots

A workbook and guide and workbook for residents who want to help address problem properties in their neighborhoods.

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