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New Jersey

Local Analysis, Property Tax System, State/National Analysis
From Harm to Home
Replicating Detroit's Make it Home Program

Analyzing cities that have the potential to implement a program similar to Detroit’s Make it Home, transitioning tenants to homeowners.

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Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
Laying the Foundation for Strong Neighborhoods in Trenton, New Jersey
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This report looks at conditions and trends in the City of Trenton and its neighborhoods, and explores the strategic options available to city government and other stakeholders to address the challenges the city is facing.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
Taking a Strategic and Data-Driven Approach to Addressing Problem Properties in Trenton, New Jersey
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This report shares the findings from our technical assistance engagement with the City of Trenton, New Jersey.

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Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, State/National Analysis
Who’s Moving to the Cities, Who Isn’t
Comparing American Cities

The fact that something is happening in American cities is beyond dispute. Is it just about the march of the millennials to the cities, or, as many writers claim, is it about a shift in preferences cutting across generations; and is it affecting all American cities to roughly the same extent, or are certain cities benefiting, while others are falling behind?

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State/National Analysis
Restoring Properties, Rebuilding Communities
Transforming Vacant Properties in Today’s America

This report offers a systemic look at the problem and evaluates actions that can be taken by federal, state and local governments, as well as community organizations, private foundations and real estate developers to stem the tide of increasing vacancy rates and meet the challenges presented by already vacant properties.

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Local Analysis, Property Tax System, State/National Analysis
From Harm to Home
Replicating Detroit's Make it Home Program

Analyzing cities that have the potential to implement a program similar to Detroit’s Make it Home, transitioning tenants to homeowners.

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Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
Laying the Foundation for Strong Neighborhoods in Trenton, New Jersey
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This report looks at conditions and trends in the City of Trenton and its neighborhoods, and explores the strategic options available to city government and other stakeholders to address the challenges the city is facing.

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Code Enforcement System, Local Analysis, Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets
Taking a Strategic and Data-Driven Approach to Addressing Problem Properties in Trenton, New Jersey
A Community Progress Technical Assistance Report

This report shares the findings from our technical assistance engagement with the City of Trenton, New Jersey.

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Parcel Data & Neighborhood Markets, State/National Analysis
Who’s Moving to the Cities, Who Isn’t
Comparing American Cities

The fact that something is happening in American cities is beyond dispute. Is it just about the march of the millennials to the cities, or, as many writers claim, is it about a shift in preferences cutting across generations; and is it affecting all American cities to roughly the same extent, or are certain cities benefiting, while others are falling behind?

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State/National Analysis
Restoring Properties, Rebuilding Communities
Transforming Vacant Properties in Today’s America

This report offers a systemic look at the problem and evaluates actions that can be taken by federal, state and local governments, as well as community organizations, private foundations and real estate developers to stem the tide of increasing vacancy rates and meet the challenges presented by already vacant properties.

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