The feds bow out: We’re on our own
October 31, 2013
The feds bow out: We’re on our own

Originally posted on the National Housing Institute’s Rooflines blog Yes, the federal government is back in business. After 16 days and untold billions in lost earnings and…

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Raising the bar in The Big Easy: Remediating 10,000 blighted properties in less than four years
February 27, 2014
Raising the bar in The Big Easy: Remediating 10,000 blighted properties in less than four years

In January 2014, Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced that the City of New Orleans had not only met, but actually exceeded a major goal set back in September…

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Why Cities Need to Get Smarter About Property Taxes
June 4, 2015
Why Cities Need to Get Smarter About Property Taxes

Cross-posted from Next City, this article is one of a ten-part series inspired by the 2015 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference. With property taxes accounting for up to 75 percent…

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Vacant industrial spaces are reborn to support a new age of small-scale manufacturing
December 17, 2015
Vacant industrial spaces are reborn to support a new age of small-scale manufacturing

There’s a myth surrounding post-industrial economies, Dan Kinkead, acting executive director of Detroit Future City, shares in conversation about the rebirth of small-scale manufacturing in his hometown…

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Bridging policy and placemaking to activate vacant properties in the Twin Cities
August 7, 2017
Bridging policy and placemaking to activate vacant properties in the Twin Cities

Placemaking–and creative placemaking–has received a lot of attention over the past few years in community development circles—but what is it? And how does it relate to vacant…

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Kansas City neighborhoods get a boost from pro bono attorneys
September 25, 2017
Kansas City neighborhoods get a boost from pro bono attorneys

By: Peter Hoffman, Rebecca McQuillen, and Kayla Hogan   For thirty years, Legal Aid of Western Missouri’s Economic Development Unit has represented grassroots community groups in Kansas City,…

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Building equitable communities: It takes systems reform, collaboration, and community wealth-building
August 7, 2018
Building equitable communities: It takes systems reform, collaboration, and community wealth-building

The day-to-day work of community revitalization is intense and consuming. For all the talk of “breaking down silos,” it is a challenge to carve out the time…

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Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – January 25, 2019
January 25, 2019
Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – January 25, 2019

This is our twice-monthly round-up of news stories covering challenges related to vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties — and how communities are transforming these properties into assets….

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Problem to Purpose: A Closing Mill Leads Turns into and Art Opportunity
February 11, 2020
Problem to Purpose: A Closing Mill Leads Turns into and Art Opportunity

Dubbed the “Birthplace of Macon,” the once-bustling Mill Hill neighborhood took a hit when its mill closed in 2015. With the mill doors suddenly shuttering, Mill Hill’s…

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April 20, 2020
Community Progress Announces Upcoming Webinars Focused on Preventing Post-COVID-19 Vacancy

Over the last 30-days we’ve watched the COVID-19 health crisis forever change the fabric of this country. The lives of millions of Americans have been impacted and…

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