Election day: Local leadership is critical to revitalization
November 4, 2014
Election day: Local leadership is critical to revitalization

Voters across the nation stream to the polls today in our annual democratic exercise, weighing the promises from candidates in how best to address some of our…

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Do Urban Neighborhoods Need Homeowners?
December 9, 2014
Do Urban Neighborhoods Need Homeowners?

Originally posted on the National Housing Institute’s Rooflines blog At a conference I attended last week, one of the speakers, a colleague whose judgment and knowledge I…

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After the last bell rings, cities explore options for vacant school buildings
March 2, 2015
After the last bell rings, cities explore options for vacant school buildings

Urban school districts are seeing schools close due to population declines, the buildings’ age, and other factors. The trend is particularly pronounced in cities that have faced…

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Charting a new way forward through attorney-practitioner partnerships: Part I—Syracuse
December 15, 2015
Charting a new way forward through attorney-practitioner partnerships: Part I—Syracuse

This is the first in a two-part series exploring how strong working partnerships between practitioners and attorneys can give rise to innovation in the work to reclaim…

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Small scale, big results: Asset-based micro-planning in Youngstown, Ohio
December 17, 2015
Small scale, big results: Asset-based micro-planning in Youngstown, Ohio

What if the next big thing in blight elimination is to think small? Staff at the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation (YNDC) think that just might be the…

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Where the brave dare not go
November 2, 2016
Where the brave dare not go

Few topics will kill a conversation faster than inviting a discussion of property taxes. At the same time, however, the efficiency and effectiveness of our local governments…

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COVID-19 Recovery: Alan Mallach, Smart Growth America, and More Share on the Future of Cities
September 22, 2020
COVID-19 Recovery: Alan Mallach, Smart Growth America, and More Share on the Future of Cities

COVID-19 is proving to be more than a crisis for America’s cities, towns, and counties. The unexpected synergy of a pandemic, elections, climate change and social unrest…

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Raising the bar in The Big Easy: Remediating 10,000 blighted properties in less than four years
February 27, 2014
Raising the bar in The Big Easy: Remediating 10,000 blighted properties in less than four years

In January 2014, Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced that the City of New Orleans had not only met, but actually exceeded a major goal set back in September…

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Flint explores community schools as a tool to support neighborhood stability
November 6, 2014
Flint explores community schools as a tool to support neighborhood stability

Can a renewed focus on community schools support neighborhood stabilization — and even vacant property revitalization? That’s one of the questions at hand as Flint looks for…

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Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – June 14, 2019
June 14, 2019
Headlines: The latest on vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties – June 14, 2019

This is our twice-monthly round-up of news stories covering challenges related to vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties — and how communities are transforming these properties into assets….

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