Baltimore’s Three-Part System for Dealing With Vacant Properties
September 24, 2013
Baltimore’s Three-Part System for Dealing With Vacant Properties

Cross-posted from Next City, this article is part of the 2013 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference liveblog series. Check out all the in-depth content — even if you weren’t able to…

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Can we demolish our way to revitalization?
December 9, 2013
Can we demolish our way to revitalization?

Originally posted on the National Housing Institute’s Rooflines blog While the answer to that question in the title of this piece is obvious, there’s a strong case…

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#RVP2015: Hearing your voices at the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
May 28, 2015
#RVP2015: Hearing your voices at the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference

At the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference held last week in Detroit, more than 1,100 attendees engaged in meaningful conversations about causes and solutions for vacancy and abandonment. But…

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Two new resources to inform short- and long-term vacant land reuse
November 23, 2015
Two new resources to inform short- and long-term vacant land reuse

When it comes to vacant land reuse, perhaps no other city in the nation faces as great of a challenge and as much of an opportunity as…

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Bringing Michigan’s land bank leaders together in rural Marquette County
July 18, 2016
Bringing Michigan’s land bank leaders together in rural Marquette County

Land bank leaders gathered in Marquette, Michigan, last month, on June 13-14th, for the third annual Michigan Land Bank Leadership Summit. The event drew over 40 participants,…

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Learning from Baltimore’s Vacants to Value: Part I
April 11, 2017
Learning from Baltimore’s Vacants to Value: Part I

In 2010, the City of Baltimore kicked off an ambitious effort to address its vacant property challenges, an effort it called Vacants to Value (V2V). After five…

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When it comes to keeping up Flint’s parks, it takes an army
July 31, 2017
When it comes to keeping up Flint’s parks, it takes an army

  This article is the third in a five-story series on resident-led revitalization efforts in Flint, Michigan, developed thanks to the support of the Community Foundation of…

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Download Alan Mallach’s “Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods”
June 2, 2020
Download Alan Mallach’s “Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods”

“We don’t know what will happen – there are far too many unknowns at this point – but we can already anticipate many of the risks, and…

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Celebrating 20 Years of Land Banks in Michigan
August 17, 2023
Celebrating 20 Years of Land Banks in Michigan

In 2023, Michigan land banks mark two important milestones: 20 years since the passage of Michigan’s Land Bank Fast Track Act and incorporation of the 50th land bank in the state.

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June 26, 2023

National Land Bank Network Summit Cleveland, Ohio  |  October 16 – 17, 2023 Location The National Land Bank Network Summit will be held in the heart of…

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