Elizabeth Benton
June 6, 2023
Elizabeth Benton

Libby Benton is the Senior Counsel to National Initiatives at the Center for Community Progress. As a sharp thinker with outstanding legal acumen, she works with the…

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Sara Toering
June 7, 2023
Sara Toering

Sara Toering is a senior fellow at the Center for Community Progress (Community Progress), America’s nonprofit leader for turning “Vacant Spaces into Vibrant Places.” Toering currently works with…

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Toni L. Griffin
March 12, 2024
Toni L. Griffin

Toni L. Griffin is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Community Progress. Griffin is a founder of urbanAC LLC, based in New…

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What Is Creative Placemaking?
May 18, 2023
What Is Creative Placemaking?

Creative placemaking is the practice of enhancing a neighborhood’s quality of life through arts, culture, and intentional community development. This practice can take many forms, like visual…

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A Love Letter to the Next Decade of Community Development (from Shelterforce)  
April 3, 2020
A Love Letter to the Next Decade of Community Development (from Shelterforce)  

I’m in love. When you wake up every day knowing that what you do helps improve people’s lives and where they live, it’s one of the best…

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May 21, 2013
What Creating a Stable Neighborhood Really Means by Alan Mallach, Senior Fellow, Center for Community Progress

Originally posted by Alan Mallach in National Housing Institute’s Rooflines Blog, May 14, 2013. Community Progress Senior Fellow, Alan Mallach, discusses the basic principles of neighborhood stabilization…

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Manufacturing may be coming back, but it won’t bring jobs
October 10, 2013
Manufacturing may be coming back, but it won’t bring jobs

I finally got to see Detropia last week, the acclaimed documentary filmed in Detroit that’s been making the rounds of the film festivals and the indie houses. As someone who’s pretty…

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Property tax madness: Another part of the Detroit puzzle
October 16, 2013
Property tax madness: Another part of the Detroit puzzle

There are many reasons that Detroit has filed for bankruptcy, and some have already been explored by others on Rooflines. Detroit’s problems have accumulated over decades, and are a…

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Election day: Local leadership is critical to revitalization
November 4, 2014
Election day: Local leadership is critical to revitalization

Voters across the nation stream to the polls today in our annual democratic exercise, weighing the promises from candidates in how best to address some of our…

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Supreme Court’s fair housing ruling could boost true neighborhood revitalization
June 26, 2015
Supreme Court’s fair housing ruling could boost true neighborhood revitalization

Cross-posted from Next City, this article is one of a ten-part series inspired by the 2015 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference. In what’s being widely hailed as a gigantic victory for civil…

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