Land Banking 101 en Español

Event Type: Virtual
Topic(s): Land Banks, Local Analysis, Vacant Land Stewardship
When: October 27, 2022
Time: 12 PM ET
Cost: Free
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Los bancos de tierras son una herramienta poderosa para ayudar a devolver las propiedades vacantes, abandonadas y deterioradas (VAD) al uso productivo, y pueden servir como catalizadores para una revitalización equitativa y resiliente. A menudo son fundamentales para combatir la desestabilización en comunidades vulnerables, tal como los vecindarios que han enfrentado décadas de desinversión y políticas de vivienda racistas y aquellos afectados por desastres climáticos.
Únase a este webinario para:
Aprenda qué es un banco de tierras y sus poderes únicos.
- Luis Gallardo, Director Ejecutivo, El Centro para la Reconstrucción del Hábitat
Ricardo León, Director de Operaciones (COO), Cuyahoga Land Bank
Land banks are a powerful tool to help return vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated (VAD) properties to productive use, and can serve as a catalyst for equitable and resilient revitalization. They are often critical for combating destabilization in vulnerable communities, such as neighborhoods that have faced decades of disinvestment and racist housing policies and those impacted by climate-induced disasters. In Land Banking 101 en Español, participants will hear from two land banks in different stages of existence: an early-stage land bank in Puerto Rico and an established land bank in Ohio. The Center for Habitat Reconstruction, Inc. (CRH) will share their journey building a land bank in Toa Baja–a community badly impacted by Hurricane Maria–including financing challenges and their advocacy for the first land bank legislation in Puerto Rico. The Cuyahoga Land Bank will share their journey in working to stabilize neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio, a city devastated by the mortgage foreclosure crisis and the Great Recession. They will discuss their success returning nearly 12,000 VAD properties back to the tax rolls, and their exploration of new spaces such as mixed-use/multifamily development. Join this webinar to:
- Learn what a land bank is and its unique powers
- Understand the challenges faced by early-stage land banks versus established land banks
- Hear strategies for success, including how a land bank can implement disaster recovery efforts or leverage partnerships to achieve the greatest impact
We are also thrilled to highlight the release of the Spanish-language version of the groundbreaking publication Land Banks and Land Banking, 2nd Edition, authored by Frank S. Alexander, with our partners at the Center for Habitat Reconstruction. As part of this release, this Cornerstone will be presented in Spanish! English translation will also be available for all attendees.
- Luis Gallardo, Executive Director, Center for Habitat Reconstruction, Inc.
- Ricardo León, Chief Operating Officer, Cuyahoga Land Bank
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