Friendly Fence
Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
The Friendly Fence implementation on Stahelin was a part of a larger resident-led vision for the street. Stahelin Ave. had a very active community of engagement surrounding the street to help maintain vacant homes, and advocate for the demolition of dangerous properties.
The Friendly Fence lot treatment was selected because this specific lot was in between two occupied homes, in the middle of the block. It felt like a beautiful way to share the new side lot space that would benefit the overall aesthetic of the block.
We were fortunate to be able to hire a contractor to assist in the earth grading, and earth moving needed for the treatment. A mixture of volunteer and professional assistance was executed on this lot. We schedule monthly weeding sessions with volunteers for the hedge, and rain garden as part of the Friendly Fence treatment. Many volunteers find the work fun, and it is a great way to spend social time with your neighbors while helping.  More about this project >
Use Goal: Beautification
Use Type: Living Fence, Rain Garden
Year Established: 2014
Year Ended:Â Ongoing
Duration:Â Permanent
Size (acres): 0.5 acre or less (1-5 lots)
Initial Cost: $5,000-$9,999
Site Control:Â Other
Lead Organization Type: Nonprofit
Implementation Partners:Â Nonprofit, Private
Last updated: April 2023 – Do you have additional information about this project? Please use the share your project form » to share that information.
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