Sprinkler Beach
Monticello, New York
On an underutilized municipal parking lot in Monticello, New York, youth painted an ocean and beach to kick off a day spent splashing in sprinklers while their parents brainstormed downtown commercial district revitalization.
On an underutilized municipal parking lot in Monticello, New York, youth painted an ocean and beach to kick off a day spent splashing in sprinklers while their parents brainstormed downtown commercial district revitalization.
The Sullivan County Planning Department, Village of Monticello Department of Public Works and Fire Department, and Center for Workforce Development’s Youth Program joined forces to bring Sprinkler Beach to life.
After youth from the Center for Workforce Development’s Youth Program finished their parking lot artistry, project coordinators set up beach chairs, lawn sprinklers, and “cabanas” where people could learn about and taste healthy foods. One cabana served as a hub for community visioning about how to transform the parking lot.
Freda Eisenberg, Sullivan County Planning Commissioner, explained, “[Sprinkler Beach] was a way of demonstrating the potential of the space…while we keep searching for the more than $3 million it will take to achieve the placemaking vision of a parking lot transformed to community commons.”
Property Type: Commercial Lot (no structure)
Project Type/ New Use: Art – Small Scale (e.g. painting; performance; visual)
Project Purpose: Solicit community feedback in planning
Duration: Temporary (less than one year)
Initial Cost: Under $10,000
Funding Source: Public funding
Organization Type: Local Goverment
Implementation Partners: Public agencies
City: Monticello
State: New York
Community Type: Rural
Organization Website: Sullivan County Planning Department > Village of Monticello > Sullivan County Center for Workforce Development’s Youth Program >
Project Photos
Last updated: October 2021 – Do you have additional information about this project? Please use the share your placemaking project form » to share that information.
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