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Understanding the Final Rule: Leveraging ARPA to Address Vacancy and Strengthen Communities

March 10, 2022 | 12 PM ET
ARPA SLFRF Final Rule Webinar | Center for Community Progress

Event Type: Virtual

Topic(s): ARPA, Land Banks, Local Analysis, State/National Analysis

When: March 10, 2022

Time: 12 PM ET

Cost: Free

Watch the recording here »

On January 6, 2022, the Treasury Department released its Final Rule for the American Rescue Plan Act’s $350 Billion State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA SLFRF). These flexible federal relief funds are reaching every unit of state, territorial, Tribal, county, and local government. These long-awaited regulations make important changes and clarifications to the ARPA SLFRF program, including explicitly authorizing communities around the country disproportionately impacted by the pandemic to use ARPA dollars to address vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn about changes and clarifications contained in the Final Rule that neighborhood stabilization stakeholders should know
  • Hear first-hand experiences from a land bank leader navigating the process of advocating for these funds at the local, county, and state levels
  • Ask questions about what this Final Rule means for your community


  • Rob Finn, Director of Policy and Research, Center for Community Progress
  • Cordaryl Patrick, Director of Economic and Community Development, City of Decatur, Illinois
  • Katelyn Wright, Executive Director, Greater Syracuse Land Bank

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