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Tyler v. Hennepin County: Guidance and Policy Reform for State and Local Governments

August 24, 2023 | 12:00 PM EST

Event Type: Virtual

Topic(s): Property Tax System

When: August 24, 2023

Time: 12:00 PM EST

Cost: Free

Watch the recording here »

On May 25, 2023, the United States Supreme Court (Court) released its opinion in Tyler v. Hennepin County (Tyler), making a rare but significant incursion into the realm of state and local government property tax foreclosure practice.  

In its decision, the Court made clear that state tax foreclosure processes must provide an opportunity for property owners to recover any “excess value” in their property that might exist beyond the amount of unpaid taxes, interest, fees, and costs owed to the government at the conclusion of the foreclosure.  

Unfortunately, this is about the only thing we know conclusively in the wake of Tyler. State and local government partners seeking guidance on how best to comply with the decision are left with a range of unanswered questions.  

The Center for Community Progress’ recent policy brief seeks to answer some of these questions and highlight Tyler as an opportunity for state and local governments to reform property tax enforcement systems while preserving key tools to fight vacancy.  

Join this webinar to: 

  • Understand the decision and its potential impact; 
  • Learn how our state and local government partners might answer key questions raised by the ruling; 
  • Explore how state and local lawmakers should seize this moment and advance broader property tax system reforms; and 
  • Understand how reforms can maximize equity and fairness for individuals while still protecting a community’s ability to address vacancy and disinvestment, conditions that disproportionately impact Black and Brown neighborhoods.  
  • Community Progress will also provide time for participants to ask questions about how Tyler might impact property tax foreclosure laws and practices in their states.  


  • Matt Kreis, General Counsel, Center for Community Progress 

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