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Land Banks and Community Land Trusts: Partnering to Provide Equitable Housing Opportunities for Generations to Come

February 24, 2022 | 12 PM ET
Land Banks and Community Land Trusts Webinar | Center for Community Progress

Event Type: Virtual

Topic(s): Land Banks, Local Analysis, Racial Equity

When: February 24, 2022

Time: 12 PM ET

Cost: Free

Watch the recording here »

A growing number of land banks are prioritizing affordable housing as a top policy goal, recognizing the impact of the racial wealth gap and the fact that many communities with concentrated vacancy and abandonment are also in great need of quality affordable housing. Together, land banks and community land trusts (CLTs) can help reverse trajectories of disinvestment and convert vacant and abandoned properties to much-needed affordable housing for current and future generations that also prioritizes community ownership and control. In this Cornerstone webinar, you’ll hear from the leaders of the land bank and CLT in Atlanta, who are working together to create new opportunities for quality affordable housing near the BeltLine while protecting legacy residents. We’ll also launch Land Banks and Community Land Trusts: Partnering to Provide Equitable Housing Opportunities for Generations to Come, a new Community Progress publication by Kim Graziani that provides lessons for how land banks and CLTs can coordinate for sustained, effective partnership.

This webinar will:

  • Provide clarity and education on the different yet complementary roles of land banks and CLTs
  • Present emerging and promising models and examples of land bank and CLT partnerships
  • Make a case for what is needed to evolve and expand this work, particularly given the imperative to address historical and growing disparities in Black communities


  • Kim Graziani, Senior Technical Assistance Advisor, Center for Community Progress
  • Christopher Norman, Executive Director, Metro Atlanta Land Bank
  • Amanda Rhein, Executive Director, Atlanta Land Trust

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