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Beyond Clipboards: A Strategic Approach to Code Enforcement

May 23, 2019 | 12 PM ET
Strategic Code Enforcement Webinar | Center for Community Progress

Event Type: Virtual

Topic(s): Code Enforcement System

When: May 23, 2019

Time: 12 PM ET

Cost: Free

Watch the recording here »

A strategic code enforcement program can help local governments proactively reverse the impacts of vacant properties. Gaining compliance from owner-occupants and landlords, however, is as much a function of economics as it is of code enforcement. A strategic approach, therefore, adapts to economic conditions that vary block by block.

This webinar will outline the elements of a strategic code enforcement program, including regulation, policy, cost recovery, and “carrots & sticks” for both rental and owner-occupied units. Tools to be discussed include administrative remedies, nuisance abatement, receivership, rental registration and licensing, and alignment with broader neighborhood stabilization efforts.


  • Karen Black – Principal, May 8 Consulting, Inc.

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