You really #LoveThatLot! Highlights from the 2017 campaign
February 15, 2017

Through this year’s #LoveThatLot campaign, hundreds of people held in-person celebrations and shared photos of revitalization projects across the country.
You shared your love for vacant lots transformed into farms, gas stations transformed into buildings with small businesses, and demolition sites turned into children’s learning gardens. For example, the Habitat for Humanity of Sonoma County “heart-bombed” several renovation projects that will provide safe, affordable housing in their community. The Clark County Land Bank hosted a #LoveThatLot celebration to honor the outstanding work of the Neighborhood Housing Partnership of Greater Springfield, while the Newburgh Community Land Bank organized a heart-bombing event to shower recently sold properties on the way to revitalization with lots of love!
Remarkably, all of these communities held in-person celebrations to recognize local revitalization champions (is your community missing? Let us know!): Sonoma County, California; Evansville, Indiana; Lafayette, Louisiana; Baltimore, Maryland; Binghamton, New York; Newburgh, New York; Syracuse, New York; Greensboro, North Carolina; and Clark County, Ohio.
It was hard to choose, but below, check out some of the highlights from the 2017 campaign:
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