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Why Investing in Communities Matters More than Ever in the Time of Coronavirus (Webinar)

April 27, 2020

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Get answers! The COVID-19 pandemic is emerging as not just a health crisis but as a community crisis. What is the role of community development investment and cross-sector partnership with healthcare in strengthening resilience and equity in our post-COVID-19 world?

Dr. Akilah Watkins-Butler, CEO and President for the Center for Community Progress will join Build Healthy Places Network’s (BHPN) Network Commons on May 6th to answer some of the biggest questions facing the community development, finance, and healthcare sectors. Join at to learn:

  • How are these sectors working together to drive meaningful investments toward our hardest-hit communities?
  • What role do community development investments and cross-sector partnerships have in helping strengthen resilience?
  • How can nonprofits increase equity in our post-pandemic world?

Register today to join at


  • Akilah Watkins-Butler, PhD, MA, MSc, CEO and President for the Center for Community Progress
  • Maurice A. Jones, JD, MPhil, CEO and President of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
  • Mikelle Moore, MBA, MHSA, Senior Vice President and Chief Community Health Officer at Intermountain Healthcare
  • Moderator: Doug Jutte, Executive Director, Build Healthy Places Network

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