
Home » Blog » Download Alan Mallach’s “Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods”

Download Alan Mallach’s “Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods”

June 2, 2020

CP Hope for the best-COVID19 Response Brief Blog

“We don’t know what will happen – there are far too many unknowns at this point – but we can already anticipate many of the risks, and what to expect after the pandemic is behind us.“ – Alan Mallach

As the United States is gripped by the most severe pandemic in over 100 years, much of the country, including most of the nation’s major cities, are grappling with shutdowns, essential service delivery, and millions of families all but confined to their homes. Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods, by Community Progress Fellow Alan Mallach, aims to help communities across the U.S. look ahead to proactively consider and combat the budget, equity, and programmatic challenges of a post-COVID-19 environment.

Download “Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: Addressing the Aftermath Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In America’s Struggling Neighborhoods >>

Despite the trillions of dollars pumped into the economy by the federal government during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders and residents on the ground will continue to encounter the effects for years to come.

Download this resource to learn:

  • What Could the Post-COVID-19 World Look Like?
  • What Needs to Happen in Our Communities?
  • What Opportunities Exist for Federal Government Help? And,
  • More

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