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A Word From Our CEO

April 8, 2020


Dear Fellow Impact Makers,

We are in a pivotal moment.

Too often in our history, crises like the current COVID-19 pandemic have been followed by profound inaction and avoidable missteps that we only acknowledged and addressed in retrospect. Yet, we know better.

We know that the collaborative spirit of communities, nonprofits, and funders drove innovation to help America reengineer and respond to crises like the Great Recession. But, as we begin to face the long-term impacts of COVID-19, I want to encourage us that this time things can be different. We can make our communities even better.

We know that communities are hurting and that our collective immediate challenge is our health response to this pandemic. Your work to provide care, resources, and both individual and institutional response is critical for our survival.

In the same way that you are being here for so many of us, we at the Center for Community Progress look forward to being here for you.

When your attention turns to the neighborhood-level and infrastructure challenges that lie ahead, whether now, next month, or any time in the distant future, please do not hesitate to engage any member of our team. We are here for you and stand ready to support you.

To track the resources and updates we’re developing in response to this crisis, please connect with us at You can also reach our team at (877) 542-4842 or email [email protected].

While the current crisis has created unprecedented degree of pressure and challenges, it has revealed hard truths about the importance of our work to correct the fragility of our healthcare, housing, and employment systems.

We know that the need for systems-level change cannot be ignored, and that we have the lessons and tools that can help us view and plan for the road ahead. We are here and committed to positive change and the stability and wellness of your community. We will continue to work for you. We will make progress.

With Our Deepest Commitment,

Dr. Akilah Watkins-Butler, Ph.D.

CEO and President

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