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New York’s land banks report statewide progress

October 8, 2014

NYSLB Report Cover

NYSLB Report CoverToday, the New York Land Bank Association (NYLBA) released New York State Land Banks: Combating Blight and Vacancy in New York Communities, a report on the early accomplishments of the state’s first nine land banks over the last two years.

It’s the first publication to be released by NYLBA, a statewide network of the nine land banks in New York State, from Erie to Suffolk County. The report is a resource for local officials, state leaders, public and private funders, and other parties interested in the value and role of land banks in communities combating property vacancy, abandonment and blight.

The report, issued statewide by NYLBA members and nationally by the Center for Community Progress, was developed with support from the Center for Community Progress, CenterState CEO, the Ford Foundation, and SUNY Buffalo State. It is available online at

“New York’s land bank leaders have worked hard to learn from other land banks around the country about the most effective ways to address vacant and blighted properties,” said Tamar Shapiro, president and CEO of the Center for Community Progress. “As the report shows, New York land banks are already strengthening their communities. The newly created NYLBA is a vehicle for land banks to learn from, and support, each other. It will ensure that the positive impacts of land banking continue to increase in neighborhoods statewide.”

Read the full press release on our website

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