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Top headlines from the 2013 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference

September 19, 2013

Credit: Jen Leonard/Center for Community Progress

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference last week in Philadelphia!  Below, we’ve shared some of the most interesting headlines related to the conference — if you attended, you just might see coverage from sessions you participated in. Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter as we continue to bring you the most up-to-date news related to vacant properties. (By the way, we just posted a photo album of our favorite RVP snapshots on Facebook!)


“Philadelphia raises stakes with plan to reduce blight” – New York Times (September 22, 2013)

Mayor Nutter Discusses Revitalizing Vacant Properties” – CBS Philly (September 10, 2013)

Advocates hope conference will spur city land bank into existence” – Philadelphia Daily News, Jan Ransom (September 6, 2013)

Formerly vacant properties shown off in N. Philly” – Philadelphia Daily News, Jan Ransom (September 11, 2013)

Philadelphia Conference Spotlights Problem of Vacant Urban Properties”  CBS Philly, Pat Loeb (September 11, 2013)

Vacant property conference holds lessons for Philadelphia” – Philadelphia City Paper, Ryan Briggs (September 11, 2013)

Clarke, Nutter need to work together on land bank, advocates say Philadelphia Daily News, Jan Ransom (September 12, 2013)

PhillyLandCare Cleans, Greens, and Reduces Crime – Plan Philly, Christine Fisher (September 12, 2013)

And we can’t forget to mention Next City’s RVP Live Blog! Our friends at Next City live-blogged the conference, resulting in a huge amount of in-depth coverage. Be sure to check and see if your session — or that session you missed — is featured!


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