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New Online Webinars: Middle Neighborhoods with Alan Mallach, Land Banking, Code Enforcement and More

January 31, 2020







2020 Cornerstone Webinars Feature Updated Data and Trend Training from Community Progress

This Spring, Community Progress will make staying up to date on the latest community development trends easy. Our 2020 Cornerstone Webinar series will focus on sharing new updates on important topics related to vacancy, abandonment, and middle neighborhoods, from some of the industry’s leading experts, including national housing expert, Alan Mallach.

Register today for these new expert web-based trainings!

Land Banking 101: The Fundamentals of Land Banking and Equitable Development

Photo Credit: NCinDC, flickr

February 27, 2020, 12:00 p.m. ET
with Kim Graziani – Vice President and Director of National Technical Assistance

Since 2008, the number of U.S. land banks has jumped from one to 200 and are now at work in 15 states. Attend this session to learn how one core success strategy for addressing vacancy, tax delinquency, and abandonment is helping communities drive equitable development. Read more…

Strategic Code Enforcement: Building a “3-E” Ordinance Program ­– Equity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness

Photo Credit: Ameetav Nangrani

March 26, 2020, 12:00 p.m. ET
with Matt Kreis – General Counsel, Center for Community Progress

Smart code enforcement programs leverage limited resources to drive valuable impact to grow equity while combating vacant, abandoned, and distressed properties.  Attend this webinar to learn the latest strategies in strategic code enforcement and how to… Read more…

What Might Work, What Probably Won’t: Designing A Market-Building Strategy for Middle Neighborhoods

Photo Credit: Ian Freimuth, flickr

April 23, 2020, 12:00 p.m. ET
with Alan Mallach – Senior Fellow, Center for Community Progress

Although struggling middle neighborhoods face many challenges, housing market weakness and the lack of homebuyer demand are a common underlying theme linking them all. But markets take many forms, and what may work for one neighborhood won’t work in another. Read more…

Community Leadership: Moving from Grassroots to Scalable Community Change

Photo Credit: Center for Community Progress

May 28, 2020, 12:00 p.m. ET
with Liz Kozub – Assistant Director of National Leadership and Education

Residents can create large-scale community success when given to power to take charge. Learn how changemakers across the U.S, from concerned moms to non-profit leaders, are converting the vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated (VAD) properties next door into community resources. Read more…

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