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Madison Gharghoury, Development Associate and Special Assistant to the President/CEO

Building on Success

Opportunities to Enhance Home Preservation Efforts and Commercial Vacancy Strategies in Lansing, Michigan

Published: June 2021


Author(s): Center for Community Progress

The City of Lansing engaged Community Progress to assess its current practices and policies for addressing vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated residential and commercial properties, as well as to identify any elevated risks for neighborhood instability caused by COVID-19’s economic impacts. We reviewed state and local law, reports and program materials, and interviewed City staff and other community partners who play a direct role in the creation and execution of housing, community, and economic development initiatives. We also collected and analyzed vacancy, market, and other demographic data, and visited the Neighborhoods of Focus to better understand residential and commercial property conditions.

Throughout our assessment, local stakeholders identified two types of property that are of greatest concern: occupied homes in disrepair and vacant commercial properties. This report outlines strategies and recommendations for how the City can take action on these priority properties. We also note considerations for the City related to other property concerns based on our data analysis.

Published: June 2021


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