Lafayette Greens
The Greening of Detroit
Detroit, Michigan
Lafayette Greens is a green space and urban garden in the heart of downtown Detroit, next door to the famous Coney Islands and across the street from the fabulous Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. Visitors, city workers, and neighborhood residents enjoy and relax in the space, watch veggies and flowers grow during the summer and enjoy seasonal programming. The Greening grows chemical-free fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers every year. More about this project >
Use Goal: Food access & production
Use Type: Community Garden
Year Established: Unknown
Year Ended: Ongoing
Duration: Permanent
Size (acres): 0.5 acre or less (1-5 lots)
Initial Cost: Unknown
Site Control: Other
Lead Organization Type: Nonprofit
Implementation Partners: Nonprofit, Private
Last updated: April 2023 – Do you have additional information about this project? Please use the share your project form » to share that information.
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